An authentic peek inside my brain. 35 ideas capturing my attention as I turn 35.

Want an inside look at what someone else is thinking about as mid-life hits?

David Hewlett


Photo by Kasturi Roy on Unsplash.
  1. Only a few things matter. Focus on those and let the rest slide.
  2. Love is the most important thing you can do today. It isn’t earning money, entertaining yourself, or taking a step toward achieving your goals. Those around us, partners, family, friends, any human we bump into along the way…loving them is paramount.
  3. That Situation happening right now in your story will change. Don’t get too attached to it; hold it with an open hand. That goal, project, aspiration, career, group of friends…the most natural part of life is change. It’s up to us to accept that reality and move with the seasons instead of clinging to a situation on its way out.
  4. What we do any day is what we do every day. That is to say, our lives are built from how we spend our days. If you love how you craft your days, chances are you will love the life you build. Did you adore your week? This month?
  5. Hope is one of the most important resources to cultivate. — They didn’t tell us this in school, but they taught us cursive for some reason. We live in an unprecedented era in which so many elements of the world seem broken and beyond repair. When the world around us seems to be encased in shadows circling ever closer. Hope can be hard to find, but it's there — waiting for us to embrace it. And, as it happens, Hope is one of the most important things to propagate in our lives to enable us to thrive even in the most challenging seasons.
  6. Remove resistance, challenge, and discomfort where you can and fully embrace it where it will help you grow. — I don’t change the oil on my car because it would frustrate me to get under the hood in my driveway and come out from under my Japanese-built beast covered in synthetic gunk. I pay someone who does the work well to take that burden out of my life. But I always make a point to do all the yard work myself instead of hiring someone to do it on my behalf, because I enjoy that kind of labor and it gives me time to let my demons and angels have a cup of tea while I trim the fenceline. Find what works for you.



David Hewlett

Storyteller, adventurer, and trampoline enthusiast who loves to ask and discover answers to the question: How can I craft the best story possible with my life?